The weather has been so gorgeous this week, and the flowers in the front yard are looking so good I had to share them with you. These are the azaleas blooming above the impatiens, aren't they just gorgeous? They will bloom until the first freeze gets them. Last year it was December before they went away.

As you can tell from this bed the impatiens are taking over.
Here are the periwinkles and caladiums. I had a young man come help me clean up the yard and get it mulched and ready for winter a couple of weeks ago, and it has looked so good since then.
Everything looks so pretty and colorful. You do such good work in your garden and on your quilts.
Your header is very cute.
Pretty yard...Oklahoma may not have the pretty leaves like some other states, but we have beautiful flowers for a long time!
OMG I love your banner. That is hysterical. Do you know ET???? Are you keeping secrets from me??
Azeleas only bloom in the spring in MI. Do they bloom all summer in OK or just the fall?
I think you need a long break from Mall shopping after that adventure. Quilt shops are another thing though.
It's been warm enough in downstate IL that my parents' forsythia are reblooming! Crazy weather! Today, it's drizzling and in the lower 50's ... FALL has arrived! :D
Oh my, the flowers are gorgeous. I'm in IL & my annuals are still gorgeous, it's hard to decorate for fall when you have a wheelbarrow of pink/purple wave petunias flowering over! All of my summer annuals are still in full bloom, it's weird but I have my mums & scarecrows in the yard close Love your new header, that is too funny!
I'm really loving Pillars of the Earth, but isn't it a heavy book? Mine is a paperback too! I find I can't hold it up to read...have to let it rest in my lap. I've read over 300 pages of the 973.
Stop by my blog...I've got a 100th Post drawing.
Love the pictures of your flowers. We are still having 90 degree temps her, so our poor fall foilage is suffering.
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