Opposable is defined as "capable of being placed opposite to something else: the opposable thumb of primates."
I bring these two words to your attention because Aud has informed me that the reason we aren't as brainy as we used to be is because of the arthritis in our thumbs that won't allow them to be opposable. In plain English, our thumbs don't work like they are supposed to anymore, lol.
The reason we know we have lost some of our brains is because neither one of us could figure out what 2.65 percent of 100,ooo was, and what yield that translated into for 5 months. At one time both of us would have known the answer immediately, but even with pencil and paper we couldn't figure it out. We finally had to get the calculator out to do it. The horrifying thing about this is Aud was an accountant for a government agency when she worked, and I was a bookkeeper for a land company in one of my lifes, lol. We have giggled over that one for the last two days.
The item below is a recorder for groceries. It was a Christmas present to the two of us from ourselves so we could push a button and speak the name of the item we wanted added to a grocery list. When it comes time to go buy groceries all you have to do is push a button and it spits out the alphabetical list on paper. Neat little gadget, but there is only one problem. It doesn't understand either one of us when we speak and evidently we eat things this technical genius doesn't know about. Supposedly you can program items into it, but, you guessed it, Aud has no idea where she put the instructions. So it sticks on the side of the refrigerator with the rest of the magnets and junk. Maybe one of these days she will run across it.
This is a picture of the quilt called Posies in The Valley from the Blackbird Designs book In Full Bloom. This quilt is being offered as a BOM through my local quilt store and of course I had to sign up for it. I just love this quilt and this will be the only way I will ever do it.
Update on the leak in the fireplace, the plumber has been out here and of course had to chip out the mortar etc, and the gas company came out again this morning and it was still leaking a bit, but now that is fixed and the cosmetic work has to be done on the hole. And then we will need to paint the hearth. It had been painted a cream color and with all of the work the plumber has had to do, it now needs to be painted aain. I don't do painting, and even though Aud says she can paint it I know if she starts it I will end up having to finish it so I am discouraging her from even starting it.
The dark quilt I made last year from the toiles was for one of my sils and he was tickled to death with it. It fits him to a tee. Hmm, maybe I can con him into painting the hearth this summer while school is not in session.
Hope everyone's week is going well.
Love the posies quilt. I would love to do it, but there is just no time for another BOM. I'm going to be at Savage Quilter all day tomorrow and Saturday, you should come by and say Hi!
I'll bet you get some work done with a sewing station in the kitchen. My downstairs sewing room is right by the kitchen and that is my secret.
Oooooooo, love the posies quilt. I couldn't have passed up on that one either.
Isn't the Designer Mystery absolutely wonderful. I am very glad that I listened to you and joined in on this one. I love it!!!
The verification word is "comic". I thought that was so appropriate for life on the funny farm! :~)
I just love the fun you and Aud have . . . . laughter keeps you young *S*
Hello, I love your quilts!! However I found you from another blog. You posted and said you used to crochet clowns back in the 60's?
I was wondering if you still have the pattern?
1103.56. Did I win? ROFLOL
Your blocks look fabulous, and I'm going to cheer you on on the new BOM. It's gorgeous!
Hey hunka saw one of those grocery store things and mentioned it to me. I say NO WAY!!! He's all about the gadgets but not me. I'll stick to my list which I always leave at home. lolol
You and Aud crack me up. I'd love to just follow you two around for a day. That would be some great blogging.
Wow I love that Posies in the Valley. What shop is offering it as a BOM? Do they do mail order?
I think my sister-in-law might NEED to have that one.
Oooooooo, love the posies quilt
quilting forum
Hilarious!!!! DH and I have those same kinds of things happening to us lately--and he was a high school math teacher for 32 years for Pete's sake!!!! Love the beautiful quilt projects you are working on--so inspiring.
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