Monday, February 22, 2010

We Just Had to Go.......

I really don't know where to begin after such a long time away from blogging. My last post was right before Aud and I took our "journey" in September. We drove 5000 miles in 28 days and went from here to Seattle and back. Had a wonderful time, lots of fun and a few harrowing moments here and there. If Aud had not had a couple of health issues rear their heads, we might still be "on the road".

I took lots of pictures which I will not subject you to, ate lots of food that wasn't particularly good, and saw many wonderful places. I believe my favorite was the place where the picture that is my header at the moment was taken. It is looking at the Pacific Ocean and in that particular place all you could see was water and it looked it was just dropping off the edge of the world. So very beautiful.

My girls didn't even say we must be crazy to make this trip, but they did take bets as to whether we would make it all the way to Seattle. I didn't know about the bet until we got back though. As I told them when they informed me of the bet, you don't know me very well, do you.

The first night out Aud fell in the bathroom and I figured we wouldn't make it any further, but she insisted she was ok so on we went. Two days later she opened the car door wrong and the edge of the door dug a hole in her leg. Three weeks into our trip and 3 ER visits later we were told we probably needed to go home and have the leg checked. By then we were in Seattle. So, we loaded up the car and left. It was supposed to snow the day we left Seattle, but we didn't see snow until the following day as we were driving into Butte Montana. From Butte we made it home to OKC in three more days. Lots of stories in this one paragraph.

I am so glad we made the trip, and so is Aud, in spite of the health issues. I am sure a lot of you will think it was insane for a 70 year old and a 93 year old to do something like that, but we had a great adventure. We have lots of good memories associated with that period of time.

After we got home, I took Aud to see her doctor, got her on the proper antibiotic and it took 4 weeks more to get her leg healed up(October). Then I had to take her to therapy for a month (November) to get her arm repaired from her fall in the motel bathroom when we left on our trip. It was almost "frozen". December was just kind of a wash....cold weather....more cold weather....and so on.

January started out with yukky weather and both of us sick with allergies and just general "yuk". Sleeping until 2 and 3 in the afternoon and staying up all night because we couldn't sleep.

February has not been real good for Aud, she is having trouble breathing and is sleeping more and more. I decided I was depressed, told my doctor I was going to quit taking the anti-depressant I had been on...and I did it gradually.....because I was having constant headaches. Well, I am off of them completely, will never take them again, my headaches are gone, I can cry at the drop of a hat about nothing, tear your arm off if you look at me wrong sometimes, and am getting up around 8 am and going to bed between 10 and 12. Life is good! Now, if I can just get my arthritis meds on track so I don't hurt so much maybe I can start doing some quilting again!

So, that covers the last 6 months of my life....will try to post more often. I hope to have some pictures soon of quilting projects.


Carol said...

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! have been missed. What a wonderful trip for you and Aud. Glad you're feeling better.

Pat said...

You're very brave to take such a long trip, and so is Miss Aud! Hope everyone is mending well and your arthritis meds are working. Missed you!

kathipink said...

Aren't you going to publicly mention "you-know-what"? I didn't think it was a secret!

Candace said...

What an adventure. You've been missed.

G'G'ma said...

So happy to see your post. I've been worried about you both and here you were off on a big trip!! Some of those health issues could have happened at home also so they weren't from the trip. That was nice you were able to get away and make some good memories.

Hope you can get all the meds straightened out.

Looking forward to your posts!!

Shelina said...

Welcome back. That's a long drive! Beautiful photo. Hope you got a chance to refresh and recharge. I hope both of you get your health issues straightened out.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I'm so glad your back. I missed you. I just need to get back on the computer and read blogs more.
You and poor Aud. You two are dangerous together but I'm glad you took that trip together and have all those memories.
Good for you getting off your medicine and feeling better. Other than the biting someone's head off at the drop of a hat. That's not so good. lolol I'll be nice to you I promise.
Missed you!!!