Katia, from Edmond, Oklahoma!
She is a teacher at the girls’ school and an absolutely lovely person. More about her later!
I apologize for posting this so late in the day. I've been busy with Cotton Candy. But before I get to that I must say a huge “thank you” to everyone that purchased quilt chances. Thank you for supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and also for your kind comments and words of encouragement. Close to 1,000 tickets were purchased! That is huge! We also want to express our sincere gratitude to Cindy for making this beautiful quilt. Hers was truly a gift from the heart.
Tomorrow (Saturday) is the Great Strides walk for CF in Oklahoma City. It is an annual event and this year I had the bright idea of sponsoring a cotton candy booth. Which means I arranged to rent the machines, enlisted the help of high school students to run them, and will be setting up and tearing down tomorrow. Sounds fun, right?
Have yo
You can’t imagine the mess this stuff makes. After the test run, the machine had to be cleaned, disassembled, packed back into the car. Oh, and cleaning the machine correctly involves a pair of pliers. But yes, I am still married. DH might grumble a bit, but in our 20-some years together he has learned that I’m gonna do silly stuff like this and so in the end he always jumps in to help out. What a good sport!
You all have been so kind to let us hijack Mom’s blog for a bit and I promise it will be back to your regular programming soon. Mom got new glasses today and although she is still supposed to be resting her eyeballs, she can see much better. Many blessings to all of you!
Hello all - this is Dana's Mom posting. I was just going to write a note on "our" blog to tell everyone thank you and it was so wonderful to see the response from so many quilters and bloggers and other people who are helping to get rid of this awful disease. As Katy asked her mother the other day, "So when do we get a cure, Momma,
And many, many thanks to Cindy for the gorgeous qult. Dana said the lady was thrilled to pieces. She hasn't had time to present it to her, but told me she intends to do so on Monday and has promised pictures. I will hold her to it. I wanted to go to the actual drawing today but was not able to, and am hoping she told pictures of that.
I can actually see somewhat this evening. The left eye where the stitches are is still a little blurry but Doc says it will be a couple of weeks before that completely heals. I have temporary glasses to get me through to the first of June. By then my left eye should be ok again, hopefully.
I hope to get a post or two in soon and start catching up with everyone. Again, many many thanks to all of you bloggers who passed the word and bought tickets! I wish everyone could have won, but there's always next year! And hopefully soon, there will be a cure for Katy and all of the CF's. Hugs!!
Congratulations to Katia and Perry, take care of yourself. We have some work to do as soon as you are able to stitch again!
Good to hear from you Perry. Happy Mother's Day and take care of yourself. --Susan C.
Congratulations, Katia! You lucky duck!! :D Thank you Cindy for making a lovely quilt! Good luck with the cotton candy machine, Dana ... I cannot even begin to imagine that sticky mess!!!! And Perry ... GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND REST YOUR EYEBALLS!!!!
Hope your eyes heal quickly so you can start sewing again soon, must be frustrating.
Good luck to the cotton candy makers, it is called fairy floss here.
Lovely to hear the winner was so excited, it was the loveliest quilt.
Congrats to the winner. Darn her!!! LOL!!!!!!! Did you read that name right Perry? We know how blurry things are for you right now. LOL!! Go on take another look. WEll............. Ok, I'll congratulate the winner. With a smile on my face of course.
I hope your getting better soon. I think of you all the time.
Congratulations to the very lucky winnner, and I hope your fundraising efforts were a success!
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