This is my challenge quilt I did with Cindy, Lisa, and Nicole. I really do like the way it turned out.
This is the BOM that Kimberly has decided to tease us with for this year. I think it is made from the fabric I can see behind the picture of the quilt, and it is gorgeous! I have signed up and am looking forward to September when it starts!

As if I didn't have enough to do, I started another BOM that has been going on a couple of months . This is a Bits n Pieces pattern, but the picture I took of the pattern is not any good, so this is a picture of the BOM that I took at the quilt store. This quilt store is not online yet, but is in the general area of OKC.
Along the way I managed to take a class in making a rope bowl. I had the wrong day down for the class, and the store owner called me, so I didn't get there until the class was half over, but I did manage to make a small bowl and I got the idea of how it is made. This was kind of fun and I want to make some more.
Your new Bits and Pieces is going to be it all one group of fabric or is it scrappy? Love your Hemming House. Great to see that your sewing again. Your yard is just fabulous.
I don't have any bed-sized quilts, so we are stuck with the same old bedspreads season after season. How boring compared to that bright summery quilt on your bed right now!
The fabric bowl is cute! What will you do with it?
Your quilt for the month is like a garden inside, and your challenge quilt is really beautiful. As usual your yard and flowers are wonderful.
I love the quilt on your bed,beautiful! Yes, I have lots of bed size quilts and change often. Right now I have a very light one on the bed, it's hot right now in Maine.
: )
Your quilts are all lovely, Perry. Glad you're feeling like sewing now.
What pattern did you use for your Hemming House piece . . . I have a stack of the fat quarters from that line - just waiting for the perfect project to come along *s*
I love the challenge quilt you did. So cute!
Love the fabric bowl, just another one to add to the list of things I'd like to try!
I love that Hemming House fabric - lovely work you have going.
I have the book on making bowls, etc. using the rope. I started a purse for my first project. I had one 50 yard package of clothesline thinking it would be enough. Not! I hae to go back for more clothesline. That purse is going to be darn heavy when it gets done!
I like the Hemming House fabric myself but have not purchased any.
OH NO YOU DONT!!! Do not tempt us to sign up for another BOM!!!! You can't, I wont let you!!! Great quilt on your bed but I must have that one on your design wall. OMG I love that!!!!!! It's so cool.
Your yard looks so pretty Perry. Can I see it when I come to OK in a month???
I love that Hemming House quilt...really love it! And that rope bowl looks cool too, I have wanted to do that before but so far haven't gotten around to it. Is that a good book to use?
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm glad your eyes are up for the challenge of websurfing! :D I'd change my quilts ... if I had more than 1 per bed! My mom is repairing her old quilt for the guest room & then I will be able to swap those 2 out...but our master bed has only one quilt!
Oh man. Now I am going to have to sign up for yet another BOM.
Love revisiting the blended quilt. That was such a fun challenge! Your other projects are fab.
Love your quilts. The quilt on your bed is wonderful. What is it about BOM'S...I just can't resist them! You look to me like you have been very productive. Great looking yard Perry!
Oh I love those fabric bowls and baskets! I have that book in my Amazon wish list... I have seen a few other bloggers, Libby being one use that book to make beautiful things and now you have made a pretty bowl...yep need to do that for sure!
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