I feel like a blob, just lolling around a lot, close work gives me a headache and I can't sew very long at a time without things getting blurry. Rather frustrating.
I got my Hemming House kit from Fat Quarter Shop and have started on that. Need to take a picture of the book so you can see what I am doing. It is going to be a beautiful quilt when I finish.
I am also finished with the blocks of my Kaffe quilt. Forgot to take a picture of them before I took them down to mark the rows. I want to get this to the quilter before my surgery.
This is Block 7 from Piece and Plenty, finished at last. This one took a while, but it sure did turn out well I thought. It has been the hardest for me so far.
This is Maypole from Moda. I am so in love with this fabric. This is a jelly roll and 2 charm packs, but I like it so much I have ordered the Fat Quarter bundle from The Fat Quarter Shop. I also ordered their Green Batiks and they are gorgeous, but I forgot to take a picture of them.
I have no idea what I am going to do with it yet, but I will find something. I guess you could say this is my Mary Englebreit fabric, lol.
Don't think I ever showed you this. It is called Antique Serenity. Isn't it gorgeous? Have no idea what I am going to make with it yet. I have collected most of the Serenity fabrics so far. They are a bit unusual and that appeals to me.
Last fall, Nicole asked everyone what was on their bed. I think we need to do that again. Have you put a spring quilt on your bed? This is from the Moda line Faded Memories, and the pattern is from Ms. Rosie. It is called Heart n Soul. While I was making it I had another name for it, lol. I made it bigger than the pattern called for and it has about 1500 pieces in it.

I was asked to tell about my Bull's Eye quilt. I saw this quilt made up about 2 months after I started quilting in my LQS. So I started collecting fabric pieces to go into it. Some of the fabric was from scraps and some I bought specifically for this quilt. About 3 years ago I guess I finally made it. I just wish I had made it larger. But, I am collecting fabric to make another one, lol.
Love all your pictures today. I have wanted to make a bullseye quilt for a long time
LOVE yours!
the fabrics you showed are just so pretty can't wait to see what you make with them, any ideas?
love the bom you showed with the pail...have to go look and see if I can find the Hemming house kit your talking about..
I may just have to buy some of those Antique Serenity fabrics just beautiful!
hope everything goes well with your surgery and you get back to quilting fast!
The contrast between Antique Serenity and Maypole is noteworthy, and I like both of them, too.
I'm right behind you for the cataract thing -- my appt. for the consult is 4/29.
Everyone says that once it is done, everything is better.
n, np
Oh Perry...I hope the cataract sugery goes well...you'll love it when it's over...you'll see like you haven't seen in years. My mom couldn't believe the colors she saw after she had her's done. Love all your fabric purchases. Oh my gosh that Heart and Soul quilt is beautiful...zillions of pieces. And of course I love the Bulls Eye.
I'm sorry about your eyes, but the surgery should have you seeing crystal clear very soon, right? You certainly have a lot of beautiful things to cheer you up. Love the new fabrics and that Faded Memories quilt on your bed. Gorgeous! I just got the Maypole layer cake and can't decide what to do with it. It's much prettier in person than what I expected!
Here's some more bullseye patterns:
If I'm in town, I'll be more than happy to drive you to and from your eye surgeries. Take care!
I love your piece and plenty block!!! And all of your fabrics are beautiful..I haven't seen that Serenity before, I don't think. Your heart and soul quilt is gorgeous!! I love Miss Rosie's patterns...I'm working on 2 right now :)
I am glad you're getting your eyes taken care of soon! That's going to make such a difference!
Please tell me where you got that Antique Serenity fabric. I have been looking for a fabric pack.
Love that Piece and Plenty block - I'm a sucker for Americana *s* Hope the surgery is easy for you - it will be so nice to have improved vision!
Sorry about your eyes, but I have a friend who was actually jealous of her husband after his cataracts--he no longer needed glasses. Hope that's true for you!
Not so fond of the Maypole, but surprisingly mad about the Serenity line, because it's not what I usually buy!
Good luck with the cataracts & other eye issues. My dad had his cataracts removed about 20 years ago ... and keeps having to get his eyes nipped & tucked with zaps here and there, because of the detached retina issue & other weird things. I hope your eyesight is vastly improved ... his certainly was!! :D
Thanks for visiting our "other" blog, the list one ... the list is the very first post, which should be at the bottom of the first page. Hm. Maybe I should make a link at the top, to find it easier!
WOW you've got alot going on over there. I love the bullseye quilt. I've wanted to make one forever. I actually have enough blocks made I just need to put them all together. I'm sorry about your eyes. I hope it all goes well for you. Can you tell that your hair is purple??? LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you really thought that was just a highlight??
Sorry to hear about your eyes. I pray that everything will work out perfectly for you.
I love that Maypole fabric, I was drooling over it just the other day. I might have to spend some of my birthday money on it!
I forgot to ask, have you seen any kits anywhere using the Maypole fabric line?
Mostly what's on my bed is ME! Ha! I do love your Miss Rosie quilt -it turned out great! As did your P & P block. So fun to see it all!
Best of luck with the cataract surgery - my father had it done about five or so years ago and he recovered really quickly. I hope yours goes as smoothly and you'll be back in top quilting form in no time!
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