I want to thank everyone who has made a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis foundation on Katy's Voyagers account. It is absolutely fantastic the response you'll have made. As the old cliche says, "we can make a difference".
The drawing won't be held until May 9th, so don't forget to tell your friends if you haven't already. Someone has to win that quilt! lol
Please let me know if you have not gotten your numbers, or if you have questions that have not been answered.
I know Dana had some computer glitches earlier in the week, and I haven't talked to her for a couple of days.
I haven't done much sewing this week with my eyes in the shape they are in, but my first eye surgery will be this coming Tuesday. I am so excited, I am ready to be able to see decently again; the downside to this is the good eye is the first one to be operated on. The other eye won't get its surgery for 3 more weeks, which is a bummer. But it won't be long!
Usually about this time of the year Aud starts in on "it's time to plant", and we wait until it is hotter than you know what before we ever get anything in the ground. Well, since I can't see, it seemed like the perfect time to plant flowers and clean up flower beds, so that is what I have been doing for 3 days, and I still have about 2 hours left. Then the front will be good to go for the summer. I will get the young man that mows our yard to do the back next week end. I was very pleased to see my azaleas come back in spite of the harsh winter, and the hard work we have put in this yard the last 4 years is starting to pay off I think.
I have lots of lillies that need to be thinned out, so if anyone wants any, just stop by, lol. I can't seem to ever get to that for some reason. Anyway, I have thoroughly enjoyed working in the yard, it wasn't hot at all for a change. I am so sore I can hardly move, but I am going to take a couple of Tylenol and that should help.
As soon as I get through, I will post pictures. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
The drawing won't be held until May 9th, so don't forget to tell your friends if you haven't already. Someone has to win that quilt! lol
Please let me know if you have not gotten your numbers, or if you have questions that have not been answered.
I know Dana had some computer glitches earlier in the week, and I haven't talked to her for a couple of days.
I haven't done much sewing this week with my eyes in the shape they are in, but my first eye surgery will be this coming Tuesday. I am so excited, I am ready to be able to see decently again; the downside to this is the good eye is the first one to be operated on. The other eye won't get its surgery for 3 more weeks, which is a bummer. But it won't be long!
Usually about this time of the year Aud starts in on "it's time to plant", and we wait until it is hotter than you know what before we ever get anything in the ground. Well, since I can't see, it seemed like the perfect time to plant flowers and clean up flower beds, so that is what I have been doing for 3 days, and I still have about 2 hours left. Then the front will be good to go for the summer. I will get the young man that mows our yard to do the back next week end. I was very pleased to see my azaleas come back in spite of the harsh winter, and the hard work we have put in this yard the last 4 years is starting to pay off I think.
I have lots of lillies that need to be thinned out, so if anyone wants any, just stop by, lol. I can't seem to ever get to that for some reason. Anyway, I have thoroughly enjoyed working in the yard, it wasn't hot at all for a change. I am so sore I can hardly move, but I am going to take a couple of Tylenol and that should help.
As soon as I get through, I will post pictures. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Update: I have sent out raffle numbers to everyone who signed up through Monday evening! Thank you all so much for the overwhelming response. We are truly grateful for your support. Also, there was a slight complication on the eye surgery but the patient is resting comfortably and I know she will update you with her take on the day's events as soon as she can. Thanks again ~ Dana
That is one beautiful quilt and granddaughter! I did make a contribution but have not received any numbers yet.
Mary L.
She's such a cutie! I've finally posted something on my blog - feel like I'm a day late - I'm sorry! :-)
oops - I made a contribution, also, but have not received numbers!
I too made a donation and had my email address in the message. I haven't gotten my numbers yet either!
please use the email I posted on the donation page.
I also made a donation last week and haven't received my numbers yet. mdoty6@comcast.net
I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, friend. Wishing you well and will be eager for a report! My appointment tomorrow is at 1:00. I don't know how long the lag time for the surgery will be.
N, Np
Watching the youngest kids play soccer and t-ball is about the funnies thing ever *s*
Wishing you well with your surgery and a very quick and painless recovery. I got my numbers. :)
Got my numbers today. Thanks. And I agree about soccer and the preschool crowd!
Katy is adorable. I am sending loving thoughts her way.
Good luck with the surgery Perry. You must get all better soon.
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